Category: Thoughts about Life and Faith

  • Book talk: 7 Ideas for  Making and Deepening Friendships as an Adult

    Book talk: 7 Ideas for Making and Deepening Friendships as an Adult

    Ever wanted some practical action steps for intentionally forming friendships as an adult? This post is for you!

  • Reflections: Reading Life Adjustments

    Reflections: Reading Life Adjustments

    I’ve been thinking a good deal lately about life transitions and how it’s affected my reading habits.  With every major life transition I’ve experienced, it always takes more time than I’d prefer or predict to adjust to the basics.  For instance, even just moving across town after college meant that…

  • Long Time, No Write: Life Updates

    Long Time, No Write: Life Updates

    Readers, it has been ages since I posted. I’ve missed writing here! The last blog post I drafted (but never published) was a Nov/Dec 2022 Recent Reads. In case you’re interested, here are a few of the books I was going to highlight and definitely recommend. I’ll let you look…

  • Mystery


    I was talking with a dear friend a couple of weeks ago, and in response to a question I asked her, she said, “I’ve become much more comfortable with mystery and the not knowing in the last few years.” Her tone of voice didn’t hold any of the angst that…

  • Living with the Paradox of “and”

    Living with the Paradox of “and”

    Y’all, I tried so hard to make a bookish post for this week. I started writing about how much I love public libraries, because according to BookRiot, this is “friends of libraries” week. I even took a couple of pictures for that post. Here, I’ll share them with you anyway:…

  • Playing the Long Game

    Playing the Long Game

    My Thursday this week was a great snapshot of the highs and lows of being a teacher. On the one hand, half of my classes went great: the kids were participating with positive attitudes, we had minimal moments of needing to redirect behavior, and I saw some magical moments where…

  • Reflections on a New Job, Transitions, and Perfect Timing

    Reflections on a New Job, Transitions, and Perfect Timing

    It only took me until Monday this week to realize I wouldn’t have the time or, more importantly, the energy to write a reading-related blog post this week. We’ll get back to that soon, I promise. But why didn’t I have the time and energy, you might wonder? Because I…

  • Hasta Luego, Ecuador ♥️

    Hasta Luego, Ecuador ♥️

    Ecuador. When I think of the word “Ecuador,” it means so much more to me now than the name of a small Latin American country. To some, perhaps, it means the majestic folds of the Andes mountains, or the exotic Amazon rainforest, or the exquisite beauty of the Galapagos islands.…

  • Watermelon Handles: Reflections

    Watermelon Handles: Reflections

    Can you visualize it? If God dreamt up pockets in kangaroos and the weird fin-leg-things on amoebae, surely he would have thought of making watermelons grow handles. I can’t help it: every time I pass that line in my quote book, laughter bubbles out of me. Because while I normally…

  • Friday Thoughts

    Friday Thoughts

    It’s a rainy, dreary afternoon here, and it’s been a mostly rainy week. Pretty much sums up my inner state for this week as well, if rain were tears. An extended family member died unexpectedly this week, and several other things have weighed heavy on my heart. I spent last…